Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We're Over Here! Pay Attention to us!

It really grinds my gears that advertisers continue to compose campaigns with their clientele in mind, and not the consumers. Yeah, that company will buy your end product, but how about advertising to the people who, you know, buy your clients products.

There are a ton of components to make a good advertisement, however, that's not today's topic. Today's topic is how to advertise TO your consumer instead of AT them. You know what I mean: annoying pop-ups, general statements, cliche scenarios. So here are a couple ways to engage your consumer instead without annoying them.

- Use your own photos or footage - for the love of all that's good, we're sick of seeing the same damn stock photos and generic footage. If you care about your ad, maybe we will too.

- Know your target and aim accordingly - I am not in the market for new rims for my 2000 Toyota Camry. Have you ever seen 20inch rims on a Camry? No. That's ridiculous. Even if I could afford them. Which I cant, but I digress. Know your target audience and advertise to them in order to be successful.

- If you try to be funny, BE funny - This one seems relatively self explanatory, but we see it all the time. What focus group laughed at this? Are you paying them for positive reactions? That ad wasn't funny. I'm talking about you Esurance. Topical is funny if your ad isn't funny...it was just sad.

- Make me want to see more - When you tell me to "see more at blank blank .com" I should actually want to see more. If I changed the channel or closed your ad before I got to that point, chances are I don't want to see more. You failed.

- Grab my attention...and keep it - If this doesn't grab your attention, then I'm not sure what will.

Well, those are just a few things that advertisers may want to consider in order to get our attention. I know if you're anything like me, you've probably already ignored those links. But seriously, watch the link right above this paragraph. Its sick, borderline cruel, and unbelievably effective. I'm going to wait for you to watch that ad...so until then...

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