Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why Me?

We all find ourselves wondering the same question from time to time: Why me? Well allow me to explain. Now that I've spent a fair amount of time in the advertising industry, I've begun to understand exactly why many advertisers do what they do, whether we like it or not. This is something I'll touch on for the foreseeable future, but right now let me tell you why I should be your authority on all things which make us wonder, "Why would they do that?"

I like to consider myself an intellectual and a keen observer, you may disagree, but that's not my problem. Being a part of the advertising industry makes me no different than every other everyday consumer, but seeing the moving parts behind the ads gives me a unique perspective. Every time I see an ad that irritates me, I briefly think, "why?" and then I realize there was a reason behind it. We may not understand it. We may not like it. But its there. Hopefully I can shed a little light on what we find irritating and why it makes sense in one way or another.

A quick Google search will tell you what you probably already know, many people are annoyed by ad after ad on a daily basis and almost nobody likes advertising. This is where it gets interesting. Many people think that they don't like advertising and that these things that bother them simply serve no purpose. But the truth is we all buy shit. At the end of the month we all will have bought a bunch of shit, most of it we probably never needed.

So what exactly am I saying? Advertising is effective. No matter how annoyed we are by a company's advertisement, how many times has it actually stopped you from consuming that product? Chances are good that answer is zero. We can hate on advertising as much as we want, and I promise, it has its issues and we will discuss them in due time; however, when you see what we see, you can realize that you're going to grind some gears, but at the end of the day consumers need advertising. From the funniest, to the most irritating, to the, "What in the sam hell does that have to do with me?" we're going to have some fun talking about all of the things advertisers do that make us scratch our heads. So until next time...and we will dive into it next time..


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