Sunday, September 28, 2014

Top 5 Things I Hate About Online Advertising

There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to complain out loud. Thankfully for me, despite losing my voice I can still rant online.

Confined to my home, I need to find some way to entertain myself. 

In early October, my current obsession "Arrow" returns for a third season. This time on my ass has given me a perfect opportunity to catch up on the end of season 2. Needless to say, I'm excited. 

On my way to catch up on what I missed in the world of Oliver Queen (our protagonist), I was distracted by a few things that seriously pissed me off along the way. Now here comes the rant of the day.

Top 5 Things I Hate About Online Advertising

5) That ad is not a part of your content - I'm not dumb. I'm annoyed. If you continue to shove advertisements masquerading as content in my face I will ignore you. Have some dignity. Tell me its an advertisement and make it grab my attention. 

4) Long ads for short videos - If I'm trying to watch a quick summary of an episode, I do not need to sit through an ad of the same length. When I seriously want to know what happened, I just don't care what you have to say before I'm told what I want to hear. 

3) Ads I can't stop or mute - This is just not fair to the viewer. Plain in simple. We don't care, and you cant make us.

2) Asking for my email to view a video - Even if you ask for my email you won't get an account I use. Everyone has email accounts strictly for spam, and if you ask for any other details I'm leaving your page. Other websites will offer the content I want without asking for my first born child in return. This is a free market, people.

1) Anything that auto plays - Why is it that during the climactic scene of every episode, audio from some ridiculous ad starts playing in the background? You aren't making me listen to your advertisement, you're simply making me replay the last portion of the episode. This is the internet and I can do that. I came to your site to catch up on my show and I shouldn't have to be interrupted against my will. We live in a society. If you wouldn't interrupt me in a movie theater, don't interrupt my show online.

These are just some glaring issues about online advertising which fell into my lap. I assure you that I have many, many more, but I just don't have the time. Arrow awaits and I have advertisements to dodge. So until next time...

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