Monday, September 22, 2014

A Grain of Truth?

The next big thing is already here. Better luck with your next generation Apple.

Shots have been fired by Samsung with their newest advertisements claiming that Apple is simply mimicking features which already exist on Samsung handsets. 

But wait, how can Samsung continually insult Apple by claiming that they're out of original ideas and that they are always a step behind without legal repercussions? To answer this question, lets look into negative advertising and its regulation. 

Wikipedia has this to say,

 Critics of negative campaigns sometimes contend that negative ads are not always used for the stated reason. In some cases, negative campaigning presents twisted or spun information under the guise of bringing hidden negatives into the light. Sometimes those who practice negative campaigning and publicity also denounce the approach when used against their side by telling the attacker to be nice, be civil, stay clean, be positive, not hurt others, not get personal, not to scare people, etc.

However, I think Wikipedia's entry should look something like this...

Critics of negative campaigns sometimes contend that negative ads are not always used for the stated reason. In some cases, negative campaigning presents twisted or spun information under the guise of bringing hidden negatives into the light. Sometimes those who practice negative campaigning fail to realize that if their claims are not facts, they may be sued for libel. Virtually any negative campaign can be run without fear of prosecution if the campaign makes factual claims.

For these reasons, Samsung enables their advertising campaigns to appear to bash Apple while they are simply reciting facts in an unsavory light. If they did not comply with this regulation, Samsung would be taken to court and charged with libel (a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.). 

So we all may think that Samsung is just being cruel, while they are really running an unbelievable effective campaign. Well played Samsung...Well played.  

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