Tuesday, September 2, 2014

You're a Consumer Too. Now Cut the S***

Here we go. First off, my name's Jack and I will henceforth be referring to myself as JD...for tracking purposes. I'm just an everyday consumer who spends my days in an advertising office where I get to track both sides of a 2 way mirror. I say that for the simple fact that advertisers want to study consumers like ants in a maze, but here's the kicker: they still irritate consumer after consumer.

Spending my time at an advertising agency for the last 4 months I've racked up my fair share of things that irritate me from a consumer perspective, and I'm pretty sure you'll feel the same way. Sometimes there's a rhyme or reason for what that agency is doing, but who cares? If its redundant, in your face, annoying, intentionally misspelled - seriously, that's getting old fast but I digress -, or just plain wrong, it sucks to have to see every day. We're consumers too. Even the people that make ads are consumers. So why don't companies hire that one guy who just says, "No. Don't do that. That shit pisses me off?" The answer isn't always clear, but it seems that advertisers forget that they're consumers too. Somewhere, for some product, they are somebody else's target audience.

Over the next few months I plan on sharing with you guys all the "necessary evils" and sometimes unnecessary bull that for some reason they continue to pull, which gets me heated. With a unique perspective and a view from both sides, this could get interesting. So until then...

- JD

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