Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sneaky Sneaky Advertisers

It's no secret. Advertisers will do just about anything to grab our attention. But let me let you in on a secret you may or may not already hold, we see what they're doing!

We aren't sheep. We understand attention grabbing tactics when we see them, however, we still continue to fall for them. 

  • They'll change the size of the font midway through the sentence to make words more IMPACTFUL...
  • They like to say "Hey! Look Over here!" despite the fact that we were obviously already looking...
  • They like to study which color combinations resonate best with consumers...
  • They really really like to put things in lists because apparently we all love bullet points...
  • And FINALLY, they really like to do things like summarize the first part of their list with some funny anecdote about the other points to make it seem like they too have a consumer driven sense of humor. Click here to see a website which manifests itself as a loose extension of the topic so that you think we actually have outside support to the info we're giving you. 
In no way can I begin to cover all of the tactics used by advertisers to grab our attention, but hopefully I can sum up a couple so that we're better protected against the seemingly sneaky approaches taken by today's advertisers. 

Until we show them that we won't fall for tricks, and we want meaningful, truthful content, they will continue to try to take the easy way out. One day maybe advertising will be boiled down to telling the truth, but until that happens...

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