Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Info - Wait For It - Mercials

Infomercials. The bane of every insomniacs existence. They promote the most useless products and do it by perhaps the least entertaining means possible.

There are a handful of reasons for infomercials running between the hours of 2 am and 5 am:

  • They probably can't afford to run them in prime time. There are no conversion rates to fund those time slots.
  • Nobody is watching. Which is a good thing, because nobody wants to see them.
  • Anybody in the proper state of mind to buy the products advertised has probably had a very long day and an even longer night. 
  • Something has to take up the space on TV that actual shows and ads don't want.
  • And did I mention that NOBODY wants to see them?!

Here are a few of the most ridiculous infomercials ever conceived by the human mind, and I would love for you to see them in a humorous light. Please, for the love of all that is good, don't take these seriously. Get a good laugh, and just see exactly what I mean.

Now if any of these appealed to you, there are stores specifically dedicated to purchasing this junk. Just visit your local "As Seen on TV" store and see for yourself. 

Not all products in infomercials are complete junk. I just enjoyed a salad out of my bacon-bowl (It's a real thing. Look it up) while laughing at the apparent irony of eating a healthy snack in a bowl made of bacon. Welcome to America. 

Now please, go, watch, enjoy but don't buy these hilariously terrible products. 

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