Monday, October 6, 2014

Advertising Done Right

I spend a lot of time talking about all of the things advertisers are doing wrong, but we rarely talk about the many ads which are done right. Sometimes their ads are just on point. Plain and simple - they work.

A few weeks back we talked about all of the advertising campaigns used by Geico. Both the good and the bad, and now, I would like to go back to Geico's newest ad. Its almost like somebody at the company had a concept and it just clicked. Before I keep babbling about it, lets watch.

All of us have watched a horror movie and thought to ourselves: "Why in the hell would you do that?" The answer is simple, in horror movies, its just what you do. And without this logic, we would have no horror genre. Nobody acts logically in horror movies. It would kill the plot. 

Geico took that thought process and turned it into an excellent commercial.

A horror movie backdrop, and an apparent horror movie cliché (as opposed to textbook advertising clichés) and explains it with one simple statement - "It's just what you do." And even the villain is dumbfounded by their absurd actions. 

THEN Geico took that simple phrase and told you that if you wanted to save 15% on their car insurance, you use Geico because "It's just what you do." Despite reusing the same tagline about saving 15% they effectively made a commercial that is nothing short of excellent. I've now seen it upwards of a dozen times and it's just as great as the first time I watched it.

Well played Geico. Well played. 

Watch this ad. Enjoy it. And get ready for more horror movies and commercials as Halloween approaches. So until next time...

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