Monday, October 20, 2014

Reality is a Cruel Mistress

Have you ever looked at an advertisement and thought, "Wow. That looks too good to be true" ? I know that personally, I do that with just about every advertisement for food that I see.

The unfortunate truth is that as long as a restaurant or any food distributor uses actual food in their advertisement, they are allowed to use the best of the best and bring in artists to manipulate the food to make sure it looks as perfect as humanly possible.

Today's case study involves the advertisements for one of Burger King's newest promotions:

As a college student with limited funds and an athlete who is constantly hungry, again I thought, "That looks too good to be true. You're telling me I can eat 20 nuggets for 3$? Sign me up."

So, naturally, I rolled over to Burger King in my beat up Toyota Camry for my 3$ feast, and what I found was less than impressive.

The nuggets were flat, heavily breaded, actively growing colder, and just plain awful. I'm not even sure if it was meat I was eating. Also, what part of the chicken is the nugget? It was depressing. I was sad eating food, and that never happens.

Well done BK. You bamboozled yet another consumer. Although, in hindsight, I have only myself to blame. A promotion like that actually is too good to be true. You have my money, and I have my regrets. Well played BK. Well played.

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