Monday, October 27, 2014

Calm Down People

"This ad is racist. That ad is sexist."

Every time a consumer makes a comment like this, the job of advertisers becomes exponentially more difficult. Or does it?

We've all heard that any publicity is good publicity, and while that is the truth, there is a fine line between creating a buzz and making an ad demeaning enough to slow sales. 

Recently, General Mills decided that its about time they show some cultural changes in their ads, just like they did in their recent Cheerios Superbowl advertisement simply entitled "Gracie." 

An adorable ad featuring the daughter of an interracial couple who has just learned that she is about to have a baby brother which is explained by the addition of Cheerios. The little girl then uses her newly found leverage to barter for a puppy; a request to which her father happily obliges. Then we see mom's face and we all know that dad is in the doghouse for not clearing the idea of having a puppy with her first. 

Such a simple ad with a very loving message, and it only ended in serious backlash against General Mills, which is described in this article.

Times are changing. Demographics are changing. If you fail to change with them or at least learn to accept them, you'll likely spend your time as angry as a mom who just found out she's getting a puppy. 

Its an advertisement people. If you can't bare to watch it, the solution is simple: don't watch it. 

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