Monday, November 17, 2014

"Make it Pop!"

Make it pop! This is the only thing company's demand from their advertising agencies.

For the first time this year, I actually worked in an advertising agency. What I saw in my short time there was nothing less than shocking.

We brainstormed an advertising campaign for a particular company, I shall not name the company. After offering several ideas for campaigns and definitive images, they finally chose a concept that they really loved! Or so they said.

They came back with a laundry list of specifications -make it bigger, change the font, that color scheme isn't ideal, animate the background but not the image - but one iconic comment found its way to the top of the list with every revision - "Make it Pop!"

Now that I was watching the changes being made and our original idea completely change shape, size, and even the concept, I was nothing short of amazed. Seeing all these changes prompted me to ask our most senior graphic designer, "What do they mean by 'Make it Pop!'?" To which he genuinely replied, "Nobody knows."

"Make it Pop!," is the most generic phrase containing a definite goal to ever be uttered by man. The agency can only do so much to make an ad stand out before it becomes overkill, and no consumer is a fan of an ad which obviously just tries too hard.

The point I would like to make here is that I heard the term, saw the evolution of the concept, and even the end product which "popped" according to the company for whom it was produced. I still have exactly no concept of just what made it pop.

Stories such as this pervade the history of advertising agencies all over the world, and they are the butt of many jokes at agency functions. The term is thrown around by those in the industry as a sarcastic way to refer to editing some or all parts of an ad.

If you don't know what you mean, chances are good that we don't either. Please be kind to the agency you contract and come back with specific revisions. If it pops to some, it may not pop to all, but really, we just want to know that it pops for you. 

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