Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Create a Successful Advertisement

I spend a lot of time talking about what is wrong with advertisements and what could be done better. The truth is that many people in the industry know what they should be doing, but the problem is that what you should do is pretty vague.

Creating a successful advertisement is much more than following steps. It takes creativity, knowledge of your audience, a ton of research, and talent to make it happen. That being said, advertising is an uphill battle as we market to more skeptical consumers year after years. Although, even with these changes, there is a winning formula that, given the right people and resources, any advertiser can follow to success.

  • Don't just grab attention, force it into submission.
    • Most people use a flashy sign, or a jarring headline, or shocking image but they don't account for the rest of the ad. Copy is the big player here. Make yours count. Make me read.
  • Why should they listen to you?
    • Tell me why what you have to say is so important. Make sure there is a value that I think I will miss out on by not purchasing your product.
  • KISS - Keep it simple, stupid.
    • Readers understand quickly, and a picture really is worth 1,000 words. Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Short copy. Effective imagery.
  • Know your target and take aim.
    • The best way to make a bad ad is simply to target the wrong group. Know your target market and define your position in that market clearly. We can appreciate an ad that is tailored directly to us.
  • Every ad is a part of the whole.
    • Any one advertisement is only as strong as it's campaign. If this ad doesn't fit your campaign either change the ad or change the campaign. There is no room in advertising for unconnected ads. Nobody has time for that.

Yeah, these are some very basic components that we all learn in school, but most of us forget them. Keep them in mind when you generate each and every ad in your campaign and just try to be sure that you would like to see it 100 times. If you couldn't stomach it every day, please don't make us. 

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